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Wellfleet Dolphin Stranding Largest in U.S. History
The International Fund for Animal Welfare confirmed that a June 28 (2024) mass stranding of white-sided dolphins in Wellfleet Harbor on Cape Cod is the largest in U.S. recorded history.
The stranding took place in the Herring River Gut, and involved 146 dolphins. Of that number, it’s estimated that 102 survived the event thanks to the work of rescuers. Of the remaining 44 animals, 37 died of injuries or stress sustained during the stranding, while 7 were euthanized.
Wellfleet Harbor has seen numerous mass-stranding events over the years due to its geography, which funnels dolphins traveling along the edge of the Cape into the shallows of the harbor near the Herring River, where they become trapped by the dropping tide.