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Winterize Your Fishing Gear
Putting away your fishing tackle for the winter is probably the most depressing thing an angler has to do.
With such a joyless task, you might be tempted to just quickly toss your gear into some corner. But if you do that, you could find a rusty, tangled mess next spring.
By taking a few steps now to winterize your fishing gear, you’ll keep your tackle in good shape and be ready to go as soon as the fish are biting next spring. Here’s what to do.
♦ Salt on your line can corrode your reel spool. Remove the old line from your reel, even if you think it’s still in good shape.
♦ If you have spinning reels, look for rough edges on the spool lip. Take the reel apart and thoroughly clean and oil it.
♦ Cracks or rough spots on your rod can cut your line. Use a cotton swab or pantyhose to find any sharp places as the fibers will get stuck on the edges.
♦ Inspect the guide feet for any corrosion, and lightly oil the reel seat and any metal parts.
♦ Organize your fishing tackle and remove any rusty hooks.
♦ Sharpen any dulled hooks and repair damaged plugs.
♦ Thoroughly clean your tackle box.
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